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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Internet Browser do I require to use gridmaker?
    Gridmaker works on all modern internet browsers. These include Internet Explorer 9 and above, Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
  • Where is my data stored?
    Gridmaker is hosted on our own dedicated server at ANS in a government and ISO-certified, ultra-secure data centre managed by security cleared personnel.
  • How many attachments can I add?
    When you add an activity to the grid you have the option to add up to 5 attachments per activity. These attachments will then appear as a hyperlink once uploaded. You also have the option to add 1 photo per activity which will appear on the grid when you hover over an activity and will be displayed as an image when you produce a PDF report.
  • Is there a file size limit for attachments?
    We recommend uploads are no larger than 20MB. This is due to the time it takes to upload large attachments.
  • Can I add videos as an attachment?
    Due to the bandwidth/storage required for videos we do not recommend uploading them. Instead we suggest making a reference to it in the 'description' field and stating where it is located.
  • Can I add a url/web address for a website or Youtube link?
    Yes, just get in touch with us and we can add a new field to your add project/activity form which will create a hyperlink on your pdf report.
  • How do I delete an attachment?
    To delete an attachment click on the activity cell which contains the attachment you want to remove. At the side of the attachment you will see an option to 'remove'. Select this and save the activity.
  • What type of photographs can I upload?
    The following file types will ensure your photo appears on the grid when you hover over an activity - .jpg - .jpeg - .png
  • How do I create a report?
    Use the 'Save to PDF' icon to produce a report. The report will open in a new tab or window in your browser. This can then be saved to your computer or printed. For more information see the following link
  • What order are the activities shown in the PDF report?
    The activities are listed by criteria first, followed by subject and then groups within that subject. For example: it will list all activities that have been assigned to the first criteria e.g 'Cultural: Exploring, understanding and respecting diversity' in alphabetical subject order and then group order e.g. All, Year 7, Year 8 etc. After listing all of them it will then look at the next criteria e.g 'Cultural: Participating and responding to cultural activities' and if that activity has not been assigned to any of the preceding criteria it will be listed in subject and group order.
  • How do I filter the grid to show specific information?
    Click on the 'Filter View' icon and in the pop up form choose the information which you would like to see. To select multiple subjects or criteria hold down the ctrl key. You can also filter a specific specific date range. Then click 'Apply Filter'' and the grid will display the data that has been selected. You can then create a PDF of the filtered information if you wish. You can 'edit' or 'clear' the filter at the top of the page. For more information see the following link
  • How do I view and download a bar chart?
    For every criteria, the grid automatically generates a stacked bar chart which can be launched by clicking on the small graph icon to the right of the text. The bar chart helps to show gaps in provision and can be downloaded and printed by clicking on the 'Download as Image' icon link on the bottom right. For more information see the following link
  • What is the Other Criteria grid used for?
    This grid has been added to your setup to demonstrate that your grid is completely customisable and additional grid templates can be added if required. It can use criteria that is specific to your school e.g a grid to map evidence which reflects the school's vision, ethos and mission statement of a grid that maps to subject specific skill sets.
  • Can I share the grid with parents and visitors on our school website?
    Yes - just let us know and we will send you a link which will allow parents/visitors to view the grid without a password on your website
  • Can I map an activity to more than one grid?
    You may find that an activity can relate to SMSC, British Values and have an element of PSHE. You can therefore map an activity to more than one grid. After ticking any aspects of SMSC that apply, select the drop down field labelled 'criteria'. This will list the other grids that you have on your set-up. You can then select a different grid and tick any further aspects which apply. When you have saved the activity you will see it has been 'mapped' to all of the grids which you have selected.
  • Can I have a hard copy of the SMSC grid prompts so I can print off the criteria?
    Yes, just email and ask us to send you the prompts.
  • Can I have a blank grid for each academic year?
    We are often asked if it is possible to archive a grid and start with a blank one for the new academic year. The best way to do this is by applying a default filter to only show activities which correspond to a specific date range. You will still be able to look back on previous years by clearing the filter but when you sign back into the grid it will have defaulted back to the filter. Please note - only use the 'clear' option when logged in using the teacher password otherwise you will clear the default. 1. Login to your Grid with your admin password 2. Select "Filter View" from the menu icons 3. Choose a date range using the calendar pickers shown adjacent to the "From" and "To" date fields. eg. 01/09/2024 to 31/08/2025 4. Tick the 'Save this as the default filter and apply it when anyone logs in' box underneath the 'apply filter' icon 5. Click "Apply Filter" icon
  • Do you provide training on the software?
    Yes, we provide online webinar training which usually takes 35 minutes. This can be delivered to an individual or a group of staff.
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